Jenny Linds Amerikareise

September 1850

Genau am Sonntag, dem 1. September 1850 legte der Schaufelraddampfer Atlantic der Collins Line unter dem Kommando von Kapitän West am Pier in New York an. An Bord des Schiffes war die 1850 wahrscheinlich berühmteste Sängerin der Welt, Jenny Lind. Die schwedische „Nachtigall" begann an diesem Tag mit ihrem Gefolge ihre anderthalbjährige Auftrittsreise durch den amerikanischen Osten und Kuba.

Jenny Lind Chronik

No. 307

Jenny Lind Artikel und Anzeigen in den Zeitungen Amerikas und Englands

September 1850

Ausgewählte Artikel

Genau am Sonntag, dem 1. September 1850 legte der Schaufelraddampfer Atlantic der Collins Line unter dem Kommando von Kapitän West am Pier in New York an. An Bord des Schiffes war die 1850 wahrscheinlich berühmteste Sängerin der Welt, Jenny Lind. Die schwedische „Nachtigall" begann an diesem Tag mit ihrem Gefolge ihre anderthalbjährige Auftrittsreise durch den amerikanischen Osten und Kuba.


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, The New-York Herald , The New-York Herald , The New-York Herald , The New-York Herald , The New-York Herald , The Republic , The Portsmouth Inquirer, Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , The New York Herald , The New York Herald, The Daily Crescent, The Daily Crescent, The Daily Crescent, The Daily Crescent, 2. September 1850, Alexandria Gazette , The New York Herald , The New York Herald , The New York Daily Tribune, The New York Daily Tribune, The New York Daily Tribune , The New York Herald, The New York Daily Tribune, The New York Herald, The New York Herald, The New York Herald, The New York Herald , The New York Herald , The New-York Herald , The Evansville Daily Journal , Alexandria Gazette, The Southern Press , Alexandria Gazette, The Daily Crescent, The Daily Crescent, Alexandria Gazette, The Republic , 3. September 1850, The New York Herald, New-York Daily Tribune, New-York Daily Tribune, New-York Daily Tribune, New-York Daily Tribune, New-York Daily Tribune, The New York Herald , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , Daily Evening Transcript , New-York Daily Tribune , New-York Daily Tribune , New-York Daily Tribune , The New York Herald , The New York Herald, The New York Herald , The New York Herald, The New York Herald , Jeffersonian Republican, 5. September 1850, , Staunton Spectator , Mr. Bond has daguerreotyped the star Lyra., , New-York Daily Tribune, Alexandria Gazette , Alexandria Gazette , , The Ottawa Free Trader , The Ottawa Free Trader , Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Tarboro' press , The Daily Crescent , The Daily Crescent , Southern Sentinel , Southern Sentinel , Southern Sentinel , Fremont weekly freeman , Fremont weekly freeman , Alexandria Gazette, The North-Carolinian , The North-Carolinian , The North-Carolinian , Alexandria Gazette , Alexandria Gazette , Alexandria Gazette , Daily Evening Transcript , The Daily Union , , The New York Herald, The New York Herald , The Republic , The Republic , New-York Daily Tribune, New-York Daily Tribune , New-York Daily Tribune, Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Gazette, New-York Daily Tribune, Jenny Linds Amerikareise, , The Daily Crescent , The Daily Crescent, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, Daily Evening Transcript, The New York Herald, The Southern Press, The New York Daily Tribune