The New York Herald

vom Montag, 02. September 1850


Ein kurzer Artikel über die Ankunft von Jenny Lind, der keine neuen Fakten, dafür aber die Passagierliste der Atlantic enthält.

Original Text



The Swedish Nightingale, Ashore and Afloat.
Premondous Excitement in Liverpool and New York.

The American mail steamship Atlantic, Captain James West, arrived at her wharf at half-past one o'clock yesterday afternoon. She left Liverpool at half-past eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning, the 21st ult., and has, therefore, made the passage, from wharf to wharf, in eleven days and two hours.

She had very severe weather, and head winds, for five days after leaving Liverpool. On the third day she experienced a tremendous westerly gale – the severest she ever met with. During the las six days she had favorable winds and weather, and made over three hundred miles every twenty-four hours. Her highest speed was three hundred and twenty-three miles in one day.

The Atlantic comes crowded with cabin passengers. Among them is Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale. It was with the utmost difficulty that the Nightingale made her way to the Atlantic, so great was the crowd in Liverpool to get a parting sight of her sweet and benevolent features ; and it would have been impossible to have got her on board, were if not that Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co engaged a steam tender for her exclusive use. She was very popular with all on board, and made herself extremely agreeable. She danced and sang almost every evening, and enjoyed herself very much. She gave a concert for the benefit of the sailors, which realized the handsome fun of seventy pounds sterling.

The wildest enthusiasm prevailed on her landing at the foot of Canal street. Thousands had congregated there to see her. They followed her carriage in throngs to the Irving House. She appeared several times at the window, and bowed to the people. She seemed delighted with every thing around her. Annexed is a list of the passengers :


Mad'lle Jenny Lind and two servants, Sweden.
Mad'lle Ahmadson
A Priest, San Francisco, Mrs. Priest, do
Mrs. Priest, do
Miss N. Michaels, Germany
Mr. W. Tiffany, Baltimore
Miss Tiffany, do.
Master Tiffany, do.
J. A. Appleton New York
Mrs Appleton, do.
Mrs D. Appleton, and Miss Appleton, do.
Mr. and Mrs F. DeLasteyrie, infant and nurse, France (not readable).
Mr. W. W. Stone and lady, two Misses Stone, Boston.
Mr. E. Adger, lady, child and nurse, Charleston .
Mr. McClure and lady, N. Orleans.
Miss McClure, do.
Mr. A. Boody and Lady, Rochester.
Mr. Thos. Day and lady, six children and serv’t, N. York.
J. W. Goddard, do.
J. M. Kemp, do.
Jules Benedict, Germany.
W. L. Abbott, Philadelphia.
R. Abbott, Philadelphia.
Signor Belletti, Italy.
Mr. Wilton, Philadelphia.
J. C. W. Paire, England.
R. P. Remington, Philadelphia.
John Smyth, do.
John Ogilvy, Canada.
A. K. La Vincent, do.
W. Hindhaugh, New York.
Mr. T. Lendbetter, do.
W. H. Disbrow, do.
C. I. Lebay, London.
J. I. Sill, Philadelphia.
Mr. Steinan, Baltimore.
C. Hinckley, do.
E. T. Grundy, London.
H. D. Huntington, Cinn..
A. Stevens, New York.
Mr. Hilger, do.
Chas. E. Dunning, do.
J. A. Renalds, do.
P. L. Renalds, do.
D. A. Kellogg, do.
J. H. Wardwell, do.
W. Benjamin, Jr., do.
W. W. Roth, do.
W. G. Jackson, do.
John Starkley, Miss.
W. W. Fennell, England
R. Dominguez, New York,
W. I. Stillman, do.
G. W. Wilkinson, do.
E. W. Tryon, do.
Geo W. Whitaker, Pa.
S. Hicks, Jr. Philadelphia,
Mrs Kissun do.
J. R. Wilmer, do.
J. Ringold Wilmer & lady, do
Jas. Dunn, lady and child, London.
Dr. W. Jones, Ala.
W. H. Osborut, Manilla
J. G. Auderson, Florida.
Jas. A Gray. Albany,
John Taylor, do.
Chas Seymour, Burlington.
Edwin Atwater, Montreal.
A. W. Eastman.
B. Frost.
Col. J. Charles.
Mr. Ferguson.
Mr. Struver.
S. F. Butterworth, bearer of despatches from St. Petersburgh.
E. J. Brown, New York.
J. Underner, Albany.
J. Jay Smith, bearer of despatches.
J. G. Clarkson, Philad.
Miss Mary McHenry, do.
L. W. Glen, do.
W. Wright, Illinois.
David Lewis, Canada.
A. Anderson, Virginia.
Wilmer Wilmer, London.
John Eaton, N. Orleans.
E. D. Lafayette, Paris
J. Haskell, Liverpool.
F. E. Partridge, Baltimore.
Robert Shailen, Liverpool.
Wm. Abrahams, Jamaica, W. Indies.
G. S. Norris, Baltimore.
Mr. Norris, N. Orleans.
Mr. Woods, Boston.
Mr. Hallett.
Lewis Borg, bearer of dispatches, France.
W. D. Glenn, Philadelphia.
C. Arbuthnot, do.
W. J. Kee, do.
L. G. Morris, New York.
J. R. Bowker, England.
C. Joly, New York.
E. Grandraage, do.
W. W. Neill, Liverpool.
Jas. A. Bayard, Delaware.
H. Pleasants, Baltimore.
A. Chaimers, New York.
J. R. Barnes, Cincinnati.
M. Saint-Martin, Liverpool.
Max. H. Jortsberg, Sweden.
Total 145.

This, we believe, is the largest number of cabin passengers ever brought in any one steamer from Europe.

Deutsche Übersetzung



Die schwedische Nachtigall, an Land und auf See.
Große Aufregung in Liverpool und New York.

Der amerikanische Postdampfer Atlantic, Kapitän James West, hat gestern Nachmittag um halb zwei Uhr nachts an seinem Kai angelegt. Sie verließ Liverpool am Mittwochmorgen, dem 21. Juli, um halb zwölf Uhr und hat somit die Überfahrt von Kai zu Kai in elf Tagen und zwei Stunden zurückgelegt.

Nach dem Verlassen von Liverpool hatte das Schiff fünf Tage lang sehr schlechtes Wetter und Gegenwind. Am dritten Tag erlebte sie einen gewaltigen Weststurm - den schwersten, dem sie je ausgesetzt war. Während der letzten sechs Tage hatte sie günstige Winde und Wetterbedingungen und legte alle vierundzwanzig Stunden über dreihundert Meilen zurück. Ihre höchste Geschwindigkeit betrug dreihundertdreiundzwanzig Meilen an einem Tag.

Der Atlantik ist überfüllt mit Kabinenpassagieren. Unter ihnen ist auch Jenny Lind, die schwedische Nachtigall. Es war äußerst schwierig, die Nachtigall auf den Atlantik zu bringen, so groß war der Andrang in Liverpool, um einen Abschiedsblick auf ihre süßen und gütigen Gesichtszüge zu erhaschen. Sie war bei allen an Bord sehr beliebt und machte sich äußerst sympathisch. Sie tanzte und sang fast jeden Abend und amüsierte sich prächtig. Sie gab ein Konzert zu Gunsten der Matrosen, das den stattlichen Betrag von siebzig Pfund Sterling einbrachte.

Bei ihrer Landung am Fuß der Canal Street herrschte die größte Begeisterung. Tausende hatten sich dort versammelt, um sie zu sehen. Sie folgten ihrer Kutsche in Scharen bis zum Irving House. Mehrmals erschien sie am Fenster und verbeugte sich vor den Menschen. Sie schien von allem, was sie umgab, begeistert zu sein. Im Anhang finden Sie eine Liste der Passagiere:


Mad'lle Jenny Lind and two servants, Sweden.
Mad'lle Ahmadson
A Priest, San Francisco, Mrs. Priest, do
Mrs. Priest, do
Miss N. Michaels, Germany
Mr. W. Tiffany, Baltimore
Miss Tiffany, do.
Master Tiffany, do.
J. A. Appleton New York
Mrs Appleton, do.
Mrs D. Appleton, and Miss Appleton, do.
Mr. and Mrs F. DeLasteyrie, infant and nurse, France (not readable).
Mr. W. W. Stone and lady, two Misses Stone, Boston.
Mr. E. Adger, lady, child and nurse, Charleston .
Mr. McClure and lady, N. Orleans.
Miss McClure, do.
Mr. A. Boody and Lady, Rochester.
Mr. Thos. Day and lady, six children and serv’t, N. York.
J. W. Goddard, do.
J. M. Kemp, do.
Jules Benedict, Germany.
W. L. Abbott, Philadelphia.
R. Abbott, Philadelphia.
Signor Belletti, Italy.
Mr. Wilton, Philadelphia.
J. C. W. Paire, England.
R. P. Remington, Philadelphia.
John Smyth, do.
John Ogilvy, Canada.
A. K. La Vincent, do.
W. Hindhaugh, New York.
Mr. T. Lendbetter, do.
W. H. Disbrow, do.
C. I. Lebay, London.
J. I. Sill, Philadelphia.
Mr. Steinan, Baltimore.
C. Hinckley, do.
E. T. Grundy, London.
H. D. Huntington, Cinn..
A. Stevens, New York.
Mr. Hilger, do.
Chas. E. Dunning, do.
J. A. Renalds, do.
P. L. Renalds, do.
D. A. Kellogg, do.
J. H. Wardwell, do.
W. Benjamin, Jr., do.
W. W. Roth, do.
W. G. Jackson, do.
John Starkley, Miss.
W. W. Fennell, England
R. Dominguez, New York,
W. I. Stillman, do.
G. W. Wilkinson, do.
E. W. Tryon, do.
Geo W. Whitaker, Pa.
S. Hicks, Jr. Philadelphia,
Mrs Kissun do.
J. R. Wilmer, do.
J. Ringold Wilmer & lady, do
Jas. Dunn, lady and child, London.
Dr. W. Jones, Ala.
W. H. Osborut, Manilla
J. G. Auderson, Florida.
Jas. A Gray. Albany,
John Taylor, do.
Chas Seymour, Burlington.
Edwin Atwater, Montreal.
A. W. Eastman.
B. Frost.
Col. J. Charles.
Mr. Ferguson.
Mr. Struver.
S. F. Butterworth, bearer of despatches from St. Petersburgh.
E. J. Brown, New York.
J. Underner, Albany.
J. Jay Smith, bearer of despatches.
J. G. Clarkson, Philad.
Miss Mary McHenry, do.
L. W. Glen, do.
W. Wright, Illinois.
David Lewis, Canada.
A. Anderson, Virginia.
Wilmer Wilmer, London.
John Eaton, N. Orleans.
E. D. Lafayette, Paris
J. Haskell, Liverpool.
F. E. Partridge, Baltimore.
Robert Shailen, Liverpool.
Wm. Abrahams, Jamaica, W. Indies.
G. S. Norris, Baltimore.
Mr. Norris, N. Orleans.
Mr. Woods, Boston.
Mr. Hallett.
Lewis Borg, bearer of dispatches, France.
W. D. Glenn, Philadelphia.
C. Arbuthnot, do.
W. J. Kee, do.
L. G. Morris, New York.
J. R. Bowker, England.
C. Joly, New York.
E. Grandraage, do.
W. W. Neill, Liverpool.
Jas. A. Bayard, Delaware.
H. Pleasants, Baltimore.
A. Chaimers, New York.
J. R. Barnes, Cincinnati.
M. Saint-Martin, Liverpool.
Max. H. Jortsberg, Sweden.
Total 145.

Wir glauben, dass dies die größte Anzahl von Kabinenpassagieren ist, die je mit einem Dampfer aus Europa gebracht wurde.