The Daily Crescent

vom Dienstag, 03. September 1850


Anzeige für Noten des Händlers WM. T. MAYO.

Original Text

NEW MUSIC - American edition of the Songs of M'lle Jenny Lind, viz: Annie Laurie With what Rapture my Heart is Bounding: The Dance Song, Pretty, Pretty, Girl; Pasture Song; Cruel Love dost wring with Pleasure; The Home of my Childhood's Days; We now Must Part; Somnambulist's Song: Mariner; Jenny Lind's Farewell to Sweden; In Infancy when Young and Gay; Serenade of the Danish Students; (Jenny Lind was the first singer whom the Danish Students gave a serenade;) Jenny Lind's reply to the Danish Students; Oh, well do I Remember, this is a beautiful ballad. All the songs contain a correct likeness of Jenny Lind, Published this month the following Songs: Rascal Jack; My Pretty Coquette: And art Thou Changed; Chime Again, by Bishop; Happy Days, duet, by Glover; Why do you watch the Lone, Lone Deep, Glover; Gentle Heart with eye of Blue: Will you Love Me Ever True; Ah do not Speak so Coldly; Right Merrily Boundeth the Ocean Wave; They say There is an Echo Here; Sweet Morn of Life; Why do Summer Ro es Fade; Oh Love Forsake me Never; When Men Declare; Ah if in Truth you Love Now. Ethiopian Songs, viz: The Belle of Wingaw Bay; Sukey Lane. by Christy, Waltzes: Sounds From Tyrol. The last Greeting, by Blessner; Morning and Evening, two beautiful waltzes, by Beyer. Polkas: Euretta; Polka de Madeira; Bertucca; Sharon; le Propete, by Beyer, for small hands Lucretia Borgia, Fantasie, by Wallace; Lucretia Borgia by Voss; Capt. Clark's Quick Step: Col. West's Grand March, by Saroni; just received and for sale at the Piano and Music Store, by
WM. T. MAYO, 5 Camp street,
three doors from Canal street.

Deutsche Übersetzung

NEW MUSIC - Amerikanische Ausgabe der Lieder von M'lle Jenny Lind viz: Annie Laurie With what Rapture my Heart is Bounding: The Dance Song, Pretty, Pretty, Girl; Pasture Song; Cruel Love dost wring with Pleasure; The Home of my Childhood's Days; We now Must Part; Somnambulist's Song: Mariner; Jenny Lind's Farewell to Sweden; In Infancy when Young and Gay; Serenade of the Danish Students; (Jenny Lind war die erste Sängerin, der die dänischen Studenten ein Ständchen brachte;) Jenny Linds Antwort an die dänischen Studenten; Oh, well do I Remember, this is a beautiful ballad. Alle Lieder enthalten ein korrektes Abbild von Jenny Lind, Diesen Monat wurden die folgenden Songs veröffentlicht: Rascal Jack; My Pretty Coquette: And art Thou Changed; Chime Again, by Bishop; Happy Days, duet, by Glover; Why do you watch the Lone, Lone Deep, Glover; Gentle Heart with eye of Blue: Will you Love Me Ever True; Ah do not Speak so Coldly; Right Merrily Boundeth the Ocean Wave; They say There is an Echo Here; Sweet Morn of Life; Why do Summer Ro es Fade; Oh Love Forsake me Never; When Men Declare; Ah if in Truth you Love Now. Ethiopian Songs, viz: The Belle of Wingaw Bay; Sukey Lane. by Christy, Waltzes: Sounds From Tyrol. The last Greeting, by Blessner; Morning and Evening, two beautiful waltzes, by Beyer. Polkas: Euretta; Polka de Madeira; Bertucca; Sharon; le Propete, by Beyer, for small hands Lucretia Borgia, Fantasie, by Wallace; Lucretia Borgia by Voss; Capt. Clark's Quick Step: Col. West's Grand March, by Saroni; soeben erhalten und zum Verkauf im Piano and Music Store, von
WM. T. MAYO, 5 Camp street,
Drei Türen von Canal street.