Task and idea book

Keeping the head clear for the moment

My place for all projects and ideas, private and professional, my think tank to relieve myself mentally as much as possible, this is the task and idea book.

For me, my task and idea book is the place from which I can write down all my projects that suddenly or through inspiration come to mind. It helps me to get rid of all the imagination & fantasy, my overflowing ideas, thoughts and images in my head, but still be sure not to forget them. I write them down in my task book.

In addition, this notebook also serves my self and my self-confidence to a special extent, in that at the end of the year or even whenever something is finished, I can tick it off in this book and mentally archive it.

Too much in my mind

My orange think tank

In 2019 my friend U. said to me: Thomas, you are permanently too stressed, you have too much in your head! Everything gets on your nerves too quickly because you always have the pressure in your head to do this and that. You are not mentally free, were his words. What should I do?

Ideas and future projects can be a burden, especially if you suffer from too much imagination. I had to find a solution to this problem. Dumbledore's Thinkarium put me on the right track.

As a result, I created a task and idea book. It helps me to keep my head clear.

Task and idea book - One page from 2019
One page from 2019
Always there and always with me

How do I keep my idea and task book?

How do I use it?

  • I write down every new idea, interesting projects that take longer to implement, see above
  • all professional, private, family, gardening, workshop or house-related projects are entered in the book
  • if possible, each entry is given a start, idea or task date
  • when the project is finished, I tick it off, cross it out and add a "finished" date
  • for projects that take a long time, I add an intermediate status

What goes into it?

  • any idea that comes to mind for realisation
  • all compulsory tasks that take more than 2-4 hours to complete
  • all professional projects
  • all private projects, house, garden, workshop
  • articles in the blog, research, pictures I paint
  • family projects, holidays, trips

Basically everything I do, have to do and want to do. Many things I manage to get done, others I carry on year after year. 

Big and long-term projects are marked in the book with a bold block. There are colours for company and Cronhill, symbols for workshop, house and garden.

I write a date on it, and I later write the date when it was finished. Then I cross it out AND tick it off.

It helps me considerably to strengthen my mind, my satisfaction with myself and my overall mental state. At the end of the year, I can see what I have accomplished and what I have not.

I seriously try to see only what I have achieved. The other projects are more of a long-term dream than a concrete duty. Maybe I should share these projects with you sometime, maybe they serve as inspiration?

Because, unfortunately, over time a rather large if-you-have-time pedestal builds up, on the advice of my good friend L. in the Netherlands, I would like to think more consciously during the year about how important the realisation of all these ideas and projects are to me.

On the other hand: in 2004 our garden was a lifeless, monotonous clay wasteland. And what has become of it in the last 16 years. A great joy.

I sometimes feel a bit like Kirk or Picard on board the Enterprise: off to new worlds and undiscovered planets. There is so much in us, let's discover it!

tl, dr;

How I deal with all the fantasy in my head and how I try to keep it free in my mind.

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