All about

Jenny Lind

5 articles / 1:24 h reading time / 12445 words

Jenny Lind - * 6 October 1820, † 2 November 1887 was a Swedish opera singer (soprano). Until I researched P. T. Barnum's Cabinet of Curiosities, I didn't know Jenny Lind, this first great pop star of the 19th century. I find her a fascinating personality who never let her fame go to her head.

Photo: Eduard Magnus, 1862; Source Wikipedia

No 39 Read: ~ 20 min Words: ~ 2845

How a hatter from Broadway made himself immortal with the help of Phineas Taylor Barnum and thus did the most clever marketing of the decade.

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No 32 Read: ~ 19 min Words: ~ 2700

Summary of my research on the provenance of the Jenny Lind melon, named after the 19th century Swedish singer and soprano, Jenny Lind.

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No 31 Read: ~ 13 min Words: ~ 2000

How I go about researching my articles online, which sources I use, how I assess their quality. And what else I attach importance to when writing.

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No 14 Read: ~ 20 min Words: ~ 3000

What do a small person, an oversized tomb, an impoverished old African-American woman from the southern states and the clinical psychologist Paul Everett Meehl have in common?

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No 13 Read: ~ 12 min Words: ~ 1900

Down-to-earth singer with an incredible voice, benefactress, the first real celebrity in the middle of the 19th century to trigger a mania, the first person to travel in her own railway carriage: that was Jenny Lind.

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